
Defined in header <experimental/numeric>
template< class M, class N>
constexpr std::common_type_t<M, N> gcd(M m, N n);
(library fundamentals TS v2)

Computes the greatest common divisor of the integers m and n.


[edit] Parameters

m, n - integer values

[edit] Return value

If either m or n is zero, returns zero. Otherwise, returns the greatest common divisor of |m| and |n|.

[edit] Remarks

If either M or N is not an integer type, the program is ill-formed.

If |m| is not representable as a value of type M or |n| is not representable as a value of type N, the behavior is undefined.

[edit] Exceptions

Throws no exceptions.

[edit] See also

constexpr function template returning the least common multiple of two integers
(function template)