
Defined in header <experimental/array>
template <class D = void, class... Types>
constexpr std::array<VT /* see below */, sizeof...(Types)> make_array(Types&&... t);
(library fundamentals TS v2)

Creates a std::array whose size is equal to the number of arguments and whose elements are initialized from the corresponding arguments. Returns std::array<VT, sizeof...(Types)>{std::forward<Types>(t)...}

If D is void, then the deduced type VT is std::common_type_t<Types...>. Otherwise, it is D.

If D is void and any of std::decay_t<Types>... is a specialization of std::reference_wrapper, the program is ill-formed.

[edit] Example

[edit] See also

Creates a std::array object from a built-in array
(function template)