
< c‎ | atomic
Defined in header <stdatomic.h>
void atomic_init( volatile A* obj, C desired );
(since C11)

Initializes the default-constructed atomic object object with the value desired. The function is not atomic: concurrent access from another thread, even through an atomic operation, is a data race.

This is a generic function defined for all atomic object types. A is the type of an atomic object, C is the non-atomic type corresponding to A.


[edit] Parameters

obj - pointer to an atomic object to initialize
desired - the value to initialize atomic object with

[edit] Return value


[edit] References

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011):
  • The atomic_init generic function (p: 274-275)

[edit] See also

initializes a new atomic object
(function macro)
C++ documentation for atomic_init