atomic_exchange, atomic_exchange_explicit

< c‎ | atomic
Defined in header <stdatomic.h>
C atomic_exchange( volatile A* obj, C desired );
(1) (since C11)
C atomic_exchange_explicit( volatile A* obj, C desired, memory_order order );
(2) (since C11)

Atomically replaces the value pointed by obj with desired and returns the value obj held previously. The operation is read-modify-write operation. The first version orders memory accesses according to memory_order_seq_cst, the second version orders memory accesses according to order.

This is a generic function defined for all atomic object types. A is the type of an atomic object, C is the non-atomic type corresponding to A.


[edit] Parameters

obj - pointer to the atomic object to modify
desired - the value to replace the atomic object with
order - the memory synchronization ordering for this operation: all values are permitted

[edit] Return value

The value held previously be the atomic object pointed to by obj.

[edit] References

  • C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011):
  • The atomic_exchange generic functions (p: 283)

[edit] See also

swaps a value with the an atomic object if the old value is what is expected, otherwise reads the old value
C++ documentation for atomic_exchange, atomic_exchange_explicit