fold expression

< cpp‎ | language

Reduces (folds) a parameter pack over a binary operator.

[edit] Syntax

( pack op ... ) (1) (since C++17)
( ... op pack ) (2) (since C++17)
( pack op ... op init ) (3) (since C++17)
( init op ... op pack ) (4) (since C++17)
1) unary right fold
2) unary left fold
3) binary right fold
4) binary left fold
op - any of the following 32 binary operators: + - * / % ^ & | = < > << >> += -= *= /= %= ^= &= |= <<= >>= == != <= >= && || , .* ->*. In a binary fold, both ops must be the same. Precedence of this operator relative to either pack or init expressions is the highest (equivalent to unary operators)
pack - any expression that contains an unexpanded parameter pack
init - any expression that does not contain an unexpanded parameter pack

[edit] Explanation

The instantiation of a fold expression expands the expression e as follows:

1) Unary right fold (E op ...) becomes E
op (... op (E
op E
2) Unary left fold (... op E) becomes ((E
op E
) op ...) op E
3) Binary right fold (E op ... op I) becomes E
op (... op (E
op (E
op I)))
4) Binary left fold (I op ... op E) becomes (((I op E
) op E
) op ...) op E

(where N is the number of elements in the pack expansion)

For example,

template<typename... Args>
bool all(Args... args) { return (... && args); }
bool b = all(true, true, true, false);
 // within all(), the unary left fold expands as
 //  return ((true && true) && true) && false;
 // b is false

When a unary fold is used with a pack expansion of length zero, only the following operators are allowed:

1) Multiplication (*). The value for the empty pack is 1
2) Addition (+). The value for the empty pack is int() (zero)
3) Bitwise AND (&). The value for the empty pack is -1 (bitwise all ones)
4) Bitwise OR (|). The value for the empty pack is int() (zero)
5) Logical AND (&&). The value for the empty pack is true
6) Logical OR (||). The value for the empty pack is false
7) The comma operator (,). The value for the empty pack is void()

[edit] Example

#include <iostream>
template<typename ...Args>
void printer(Args&&... args) {
    (std::cout << ... << args) << '\n';
int main()
    printer(1, 2, 3, "abc");

